For dedicated work!

For dedicated work!

The award from the Minister of construction and infrastructure development of the region M. M. Volkov with the wording “For long conscientious work, high indicators in production activities and a great contribution to the development of construction industry in Sverdlovsk region” was given to three at once employees of the plant.

At the meeting of the plant the letters of acknowledgement were presented to O. I. Izotova, Head of the Department of Organization and Remuneration of Labor, S. E. Kuzminykh, the roller of 4th skill category, and A. L. Vaskanyan, electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines of 4th skill category. A. V. Simakin, Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nizhny Tagil handed over these valueable documents and personally congratulated the best workers.

We congratulate our colleagues with such high award and wish them further professional success!

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