Golden flight over the Khalifa Tower
From 4 to 12 December in Dubai took place on the 4th World Air Games. This event is called “the Olympics air sports” on the right. Games program included 24 disciplines in 10 areas: aerobatics (aerobatics airplanes and gliders), aeronautics (thermal balls and balloons), competitions, etc. aircraft prototypes One of the most spectacular performances steels parachutists – skydivers. “Heavenly divers”, and so it is possible to translate into Russian the new sports term, competed in speed, precision landing, performing acrobatics in the air complex shapes.
Despite the fact that the development of parachuting in our country is still kept mostly on the shoulders of enthusiasts, the Russian landing in Dubai was one of the most numerous and – as a result of the Games – one of the most renowned. Virtually none of the parachute types: freeflying, Freestyle, Canopy Formation – not without our athletes on the podium.
The long-awaited gold in the 4th Air crowned Olympic performance of “rotation-four.” The Russian team, rising to a height of 2300 meters above the ground (3 times higher than the tallest building in Dubai and around the world – Khalifa Tower) one and a half minutes of flight completed 22 rotary rebuild, beating their main rivals – the French. One of the participants was the winning team Eduard Suslov (in everyday life – the head of the sector of economic security NTZMK Internal Control Department).
– The task of “four-rotation” – performance for a strictly limited time, the maximum number of evolutions in which a member of the team, which occupies the top position in the “bookcase”, should move to the bottom of it, – says Edward. – The apparent ease with which the maneuver is performed by professionals, in fact, is misleading: it requires virtuosity as a parachute, and his body, the slightest mistake is enough to get tangled straps.